Trip Reflections: Africa 2021
We thank the Lord for the privilege to visit the AFLC World Mission's ministries in Uganda and Tanzania in October and November.
I joked with missionary Michael Rokenbrodt that we were on safari to see if Michael really was a missionary in Africa. After all, I had never, up to this point, actually seen him on the mission field. He spent the last school year receiving valuable seminary training at our Free Lutheran Seminary—and during my previous visit, he was home with family after his father’s sudden death. I can now report that Michael is indeed serving the Lord in Africa! Pray for Michael’s safety and health as he travels many miles each month between Ambassador Institute training workshops and classes. Thank you, Michael, for braving the swamps of Uganda with me through multiple vehicle break-downs. (see picture below)

The Raans are finding multiple areas of ministry in the northern Uganda city of Gulu. I’m thankful for the network of Christian homeschoolers in the area. Brent and Emily truly have a heart for the people of Gulu and the surrounding villages. Their love for the people is evident by their desire to be better equipped to counsel the survivors of the former regime. Brent is using the Ambassador Institute curriculum to disciple and train people in the Word, and we are praying that these new believers will want to join together in congregations that can continue the discipling ministry.
Nate and Rhoda continue to be faithful in ministry in the village just outside Jinja, Uganda. We are thankful for the sense of peace that God has given Nate and Rhoda to continue in ministry. It is amazing to see what God is doing thru Nate as he trains the Uganda Ambassador Leadership team. The leaders have caught the sense of urgency to share the Word, and the leaders personally know the life-changing power of the Word of God. I was also encouraged to participate in the village church worship service. The church really does meet under a Mango Tree! Praise the Lord!
Our visit to Tanzania was a testimony to God’s miraculous timing. Missionary Andrew Olson was strong enough from his recent hospitalization to welcome us at the airport and lead us to our hotel. And the next day, he was flown to Kenya for medical tests—but we followed the itinerary he had arranged many weeks beforehand. This included seeing some of the tourist spots in Tanzania, meeting with the translation team (Andrew joined us by Skype to translate from the hospital), participating in five worship services, and visiting three other churches on Sunday. Andrew was released from the hospital and flown back to Tanzania to join us for our last day and a half of the visit. Andrew and his family are presently on the FLBC campus here in Plymouth. Please join us in prayer that God grants him a full recovery, and renewed strength to continue in ministry.
Again, thank you for praying for our missionaries and our department as we seek to support them from the home front. Praise be to God!
Earl Korhonen, Director of AFLC World Misssions