Journey Missions Promotion Resources
Oaxaca, Mexico August Trip Promo
Want your church to go to Oaxaca, Mexico but don't know how to spread the word? We have the things for you! This flyer/bulletin insert will tell you:
- Goals of the trip
- Date and cost
- Application sign up
- And more!
This is a great tool to use for your congregation, youth group, or conference.
In addition to the bulletin, we also have a PowerPoint slide that you can download and share with your church! If you have any questions or want a different promotion material, just let us know at
Bulletin Inserts
This flyer is great for everything you need to know about Journey Missions. From latest ministry trips to what the missionary assistant program is like, this flyer will be a great resource for you church.
We encourage you to use it as a communication tool in your local congregations!