Ambassador Institute English Curriculum

Year One Curriculum

Old Testament and New Testament Overview

Term 1 - Creation through Exodus Download: MS WordPDF
​1. Creation  Genesis 1-2 
2. The Fall into Sin  Genesis 3 
3. Cain and Abel  Genesis 4 
4. Noah  Genesis 6-9 
5. The Call of Abraham  Genesis 12, 15 
6. The Birth of Isaac  Genesis 16-21 
7. Abraham Sacrifices Isaac  Genesis 22 
8. Jacob and Esau  Genesis 25 
9. Joseph Sold into Egypt  Genesis 37, 39 
10. Joseph Reveals Himself  Genesis 42-45 
11. The Call of Moses  Exodus 3-4 
12. The Exodus from Egypt  Exodus 7-12 
13. Red Sea Deliverance  Exodus 14-15 
14. The Golden Calf Exodus 32
Term 2 - Promised Land to Prophets Download: MS WordPDF
15. Twelve Spies to Canaan  ​Numbers 13-14 
16. Joshua and Jericho  Joshua 6
17. Gideon  Judges 6-7 
18. Ruth  Ruth 1-4 
19. Samuel and Hannah  1 Samuel 1-2 
20. Saul Rejected, David Anointed  1 Samuel 15-16 
21. David Spares Saul, Crowned  1 Samuel 23-24 
22. Solomon Asks for Wisdom  1 Kings 3 
23. Elijah on Mt. Carmel  1 Kings 18 
24. Elisha Blinds Arameans  2 Kings 6 
25. Isaiah  Isaiah 6 & 53 
26. Esther  Esther 2-7 
27. Daniel and the Lions Den  Daniel 6 
28. Nehemiah Rebuilding Nehemiah 1-6
Term 3 - Life of Jesus Download: MS WordPDF
29. Jesus Birth  Matthew 1:18-25 
30. Jesus Baptism and Temptation  Matthew 3:1-4:11 
31. The Demon-possessed Man  Mark 5:1-20 
32. The Parable of the Sower  Mark 4:1-20 
33. Feeding 5,000, Walking on Water  Mark 6:30-56
34. Healing Lepers, Crippled Woman  Luke 17:11-19; 13:10-17 
35. Lost Coin, Sheep and Zaacheus  Luke 15:1-10; 19:1-10
36. Lazarus from the Dead  John 11:1-44 
37. The Unmerciful Servant  Matthew 18:21-35 
38. 10 Virgins & Sheep and Goats  Matthew 25:1-13; 31-46 
39. Triumphal Entry  Matthew 21:1-17 
40. The Last Supper and Betrayal  Luke 22:7-8, 13-23, 39-53 
41. Jesus’ Trial, Crucifixion, Burial  Matthew 27:11-66 
42. Resurrection, Great Commission Matthew 28:1-20

Year Two Curriculum

The Doctrine, Character and Life of the Christian

Term 4 - Doctrine Download: MS WordPDF Lesson Description:
1. Father Psalm 103 Description of God
2. Son Matthew 17:1-13 The Transfiguration
3. Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-8, 11-21 Pentecost
4. Nature of Man Genesis 19:1-26 Sodom and Gomorrah
5. Power of the Word Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
6. Word as Law Luke 18:18-27 The Rich Ruler
  Exodus 20:1-17 The Ten Commandments
7. Word as Gospel John 3:1-21 Jesus and Nicodemus
8. Salvation Acts 16:23-34 The Philippian Jailer
9. Baptism Acts 2:22-41 Peter’s Sermon
10. Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:20-30 Orderly Worship
11. Eternal Things Acts 1:3-12 Jesus Ascension
  Matthew 24:27-44 The Last Days
12. Judgment Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
13. Angels/Demons Acts 12:1-19 Peter’s Release from Prison
14. Satan​ Job 1:1-22 God and Satan​
Term 5 - Character Download: MS WordPDF Lesson Description:
1. Not Being a Lover of Money 2 Kings 5:1-27 Naaman’s Leprosy
2. Hold to the Truth Acts 4:32-5:10 Ananias and Sapphira
3. Not Quick to Anger 1 Samuel 25:2-39 Nabal and Abigail
4. Manager of Your Home Luke 2:39-52 Mary, Joseph and Jesus
  1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22-25 Eli and His Sons
5. Not Quarlesome 1 Kings 12:1-16 Rehoboam
6. Faithfulness in Marriage 2 Samuel 11:1-12:14 David and Bathsheba
7. Being a Servant John 13:1-17 Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet
8. Not Double Minded 2 Kings 1:1-17 King Ahaziah
9. Honest Gain Acts 8:9-25 Simon the Sorcerer
10. Generosity Acts 3:1-19 Peter, John and the Crippled Man
11. Self Control Genesis 39:1-23 Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
12. Humility Numbers 12:1-16 Miriam, Aaron and Moses
13. Perseverance Acts 14:8-22 Paul’s Stoning
14. Faith 1 Samuel 17:4-9, 32-51 David and Goliath
Term 6 - Ministry Download: MS WordPDF Lesson Description:
Spiritual Life    
1. Worship John 4:4-26 Samaritan Woman
2. Bible Study Acts 11:19-26 The Church in Antioch
  Luke 24:13-32 The Road to Emmaus
3. Prayer Matthew 6:5-15 The Lord’s Prayer
  Psalm 54 David's Prayer
4. Spiritual Disciplines Daniel 1:1-20 Daniel’s Convictions
Congregational Life    
5. Love your Family John 19:25-27 Jesus on the Cross to Mary and John
  Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son
6. Love your Neighbors Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
7. Love the Church Acts 2:42-47; 18:1-11 The Early Church
8. Church Unity Acts 15:1-12; 1 Corinthians 3:1-17 Divisions in the Church
9. Praying for Healing Luke 7:1-22 Jesus Heals Many
Evangelism / Mission     
10. Witnessing Acts 4:1-21 Peter and John before the Sanhedrin
11. Evangelism Acts 26:1-29 Paul before King Agripa
12. The Call of God Jeremiah 1:4-10 Jeremiah’s Call from God
  Jonah 1-4 Jonah going to the Ninevites
13. Suffering for the Gospel Acts 27:27-28:10 Paul's Shipwreck
14. Cross Cultural Missions Acts 10:1-8; 17-48 Cornelius