4 Easy Ways you Can Support AFLC World Missions
Want to support AFLC World Missions, but you don’t know where to start? Here is a list of four easy ways you can show support to our missionaries.
1. Sign up for a Missionary Newsletter
You have the opportunity to hear about the mission field right from the missionaries themselves. Receive stories from their ministry and learn how to pray for them with a newsletter sent straight to your inbox.
2. Pick up a Prayer Card
Prayer is a vital part of support for our missionaries. A prayer card is a great way to have a visual reminder of the people and places of AFLC World Missions. They are also a great tool for anytime you would like to share about our ministry.
3. Look up a Missionary's Special Project
Each year, missionaries submit a special project request for a specific need in their ministry. This could include building projects, school supplies for local students, or anything that requires funding outside of the missionaries' regular support.
4. Following our Social Media Accounts
It may sound obvious, but the more individuals witness what the Lord is doing through our fields of work, the more our congregations feel connected to our missionaries. An easy way for you to share your support to our missionaries is to invite others to follow us on social media.